Introducing frequently used Adobe After Effects shortcut keys (Mac OS).
After Effects Keyboard Shortcuts
Action | Shortcuts |
Preferences | Option + Command + ; |
Composition Settings | Command + K |
Action | Shortcuts |
Move 1 Frame Back/Forward | Command + Left/Right |
Move 10 Frames Back/Forward | Shift + Command + Left/Right |
Move to Previous Keyframe | J |
Move to Next Keyframe | K |
Go to layer In/Out point | I or O |
Go to Beginning of Composition | Option + Command + Left, or Home |
Go to End of Composition | Option + Command + Right, or End |
Go to Beginning/End of Work Area (*) | Shift + Home/End |
Go to Beginning of Work Area | Shift + fn + Left |
Go to End of Work Area | Shift + fn + Right |
Set Work Area Start Point (**) | B |
Set Work Area End Point | N |
Play/Stop | Space |
*Mac OS
Home = fn + Left
End = fn + Right
**Playing within the work area will loop playback.
Action | Shortcuts |
Create New Solid | Command + Y |
Select Previous/Next layer | Command + Up/Down |
Move In/Out point of Layer to Playhead (Layer length remains the same) | [ or ] |
Trim/Extend In/Out point of Layer at/to Playhead (Keyframes will not move). | Option + [ or ] |
Split selected Layers. (Creates another layer) | Shift + Command + D |
Duplicate | Command + D |
Fit layers to composition width (fixed aspect ratio) | Shift + Option + Command + H |
Fit layers to composition height (fixed aspect ratio) | Shift + Option + Command + G |
Action | Shortcuts |
Show/Hide Layer Switches, Blend Modes and Track Mattes columns | F4 |
Show/Hide Parent column | Shift + F4 |
Action | Shortcuts |
Easy ease | F9 |
Select all visible Keyframes & Properties | Option + Command + A |
Convert a Keyframe back to Linear | Command + Click |
Keyframe Velocity Setting | Shift + Command + K |
Keyframe Velocity Setting | Option + Double Click |
Action | Shortcuts |
Show/Hide Keyframes | U |
Anchor Point/Point of Interest | A |
Mask Path | M |
Opacity | T |
Position | P |
Rotation | R |
Scale | S |
Effects | E |
Mask Feather | F |
Audio Waveform | LL |
Views (Zoom, Show, etc)
Action | Shortcuts |
Zoom Out Composition | , |
Zoom In Composition | . |
Zoom In/Out Composition | Mouse Wheel |
Show/Hide Safe Zones | : |
Mouse Wheel | Command + R |
Action | Shortcuts |
Zoom Out Timeline | – |
Zoom In Timeline | ^ |
Zoom In/Out Timeline | Optoin + Mouse Wheel |
Scroll Timeline Horizontally | Shift + Mouse Wheel |
Action | Temporary | Shortcuts |
Selection tool | V | |
Temporary Pen tool (Add Vertex tool over a segment, Convert Vertex tool over a vertex) | Command + Option (over a path) | |
Temporary Direct Selection tool | Command (in Shape Layer) | |
Type tools (Horizontal and Vertical) | Command + T | |
Rotation tool | W | |
Pen tool | G | |
Temporary Pen tool | Command | |
Temporary Hand tool (Can move the timeline and composition monitor) | Space |
Action | Shortcuts |
Kerning/Tracking | Option + Left/Right |